Monday, July 30, 2007

Wrapping Up

Things are wrapping up here in Wichita & I am ready to go home now. It feels like I have been gone much longer than 2 weeks. Molly has been waiting patiently for me & often sits by the door. If she could pack her bags, I am sure she would have everything ready to go at this point! This will be the longest I have been away from her & I know it's been tough on both of us. Fortunately, she is being spoiled (more so than usual) & adding to her fan base on a daily basis. I have enjoyed the work so far & learned more than I expected.

One of my goals for this year was to ultimately find a better life for me & Molly. I remember repeating that to myself as I packed my things in January. Given my work at the Concord RC & at the DRs I feel like I am well on my way to achieving that goal.

Yesterday was 6 months since I took the Americorps VISTA pledge. I remember having a lot of uncertainty & anxiety. There has not been a moment, however, that I have questioned or regretted this decision. God told me where to go...though it required a rather large neon sign...& I listened. Now I am waiting for His direction regarding next year...just wish He would hurry up & tell me!

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